
Twitter Starts Testing 'CoTweets' Feature -

Twitter has started testing a new CoTweets feature which lets two users co-author a tweet. Instagram already has a similar feature, and Twitter said that it will be testing CoTweets for a limited time to see how its users are leveraging it.

“We’re continuing to explore new ways for people to collaborate on Twitter,” Twitter spokesperson Joseph J. Nuñez told in a statement to The Verge. “We’re testing CoTweets for a limited time to learn how people and brands may use this feature to grow and reach new audiences, and strengthen their collaborations with other accounts.” Hep B Surface Ag Test

CoTweets aren’t displayed properly when embedded on websites, so here’s a screenshot of a co-authored tweet below:

Users who have access to the CoTweet feature today can invite another account to share ownership of a tweet. After accepting a CoTweet invitation, users will also be able to revoke ownership of the tweet once it has been published.

On Instagram, the co-authoring feature called Collabs allows users to co-author feed posts and Reels videos so that they can be seen by more followers. It’s often been used by brands collaborating with influencers, though Twitter has a quite different audience. In addition to CoTweets, Twitter is currently experimenting with other things including a long-form Notes features, and some users also have access to a Circles feature inspired by the late Google+.

<p>This vaguely reminds me of that SNL sketch about it two-person toilet for lovers. </p>

Laurent is the Senior News Editor at He's been writing about the tech industry for many years and his favorite topics to cover include Big Tech, media, and gaming. He's also the Editorial Manager of the Petri IT knowledgebase.

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