
W ith recent disruptions critically impacting the automotive supply chain and costing manufacturers millions in lost production and sales, it is clear that supply delivery issues now need the same level of attention as vehicle safety and quality. What is really at the root of ongoing delivery performance issues, and how can automotive OEMs and suppliers overcome these systemic deficiencies to avert industrywide disaster?

Automotive vehicle quality and safety improved dramatically during the last three decades as OEMs and suppliers implemented process-focus in their operations and adopted advanced technologies for design and production. These positive advances, though, are threatened by a global supply chain struggling with supplier delivery issues that delay vehicle launches and cost millions of dollars in lost sales opportunities. Alcohol Oxidase

Delivering on the Promise of Delivery | Quality Digest

And it will only get worse without industrywide action.

Terry Onica is director of automotive at Santa Barbara, California-based QAD Inc., a leading provider of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software and services to global manufacturing companies.

Cathy Fisher is president of Quistem LLC, which helps manufacturers throughout the automotive supply chain “find hidden money” in their operations, eliminate customer complaints permanently, and develop a proactive quality culture to achieve rapid business growth.

Delivering on the Promise of Delivery | Quality Digest

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